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I read this online and just had to translate for my viewers. I hope that you enjoy this story of love, endurance, and success as much as I did.
She died in a car accident at the age of 49. She only managed to publish one novel during her lifetime, but this work has become a famous classic: “Gone with the Wind” is Margaret Mitchell’s legendary literary romance.
Many authors write works based on their own experiences, and Margaret was no exception. Just like her protagonist Scarlett, Margaret also experienced a tortuous emotional road.
When she was a very young woman, Margaret fell in love with a youthful second lieutenant. However, he died during the war, and her fairy-tale romance left a wound in her heart.
She did get married; her husband was the son of one of her mother’s friends. It turned out to be a toxic marriage. He was a drunkard who flirted with other women; he liked to beat and abuse her. They were divorced three months into the marriage. The only one who was willing to support her during this difficult period was the person who had stood in as the best man at her wedding, John.
John’s love and support enabled her to escape from her nightmarish first marriage and once again experience true love. At that time, John, as a talented editor, worked for the Associated Press. He had long admired Margaret’s talents as an author and encouraged her to continue writing. He started out by helping her write articles for the Atlanta News, which led to her job as a reporter. It was rare for women to be able to make a living during that era, but Margaret managed it.
Margaret was not a physically imposing figure. She weighed 45 kilograms and was only 5 ‘2 feet tall. She was, however, a very energetic person, and she was excellent at interviewing people. Her audiences and peers alike praised her writing. It was not long before she became one of the Associated Press’ most valued reporters. To make her feel more comfortable, the editor-in-chief even had the table legs at her desk shortened to fit Margaret’s height.
Her new joy in her work was enhanced by her happiness in her personal life. In 1925, 25-year-old Margaret married 30-year-old John. After they got married, they moved into a three-story house in Atlanta. Compared with the manor in which she had grown up, their new house was unimpressive, and Margaret affectionately called it “the dump.”
“The dump” was a happy place. The couple spent their leisure hours there reading books, writing articles together, and discussing the issues of the day.
John was a progressive husband; he allowed his wife to keep her maiden name after their marriage, which was a “deviant” practice in the United States at the time.
This life continued for four years, as Margaret published 129 feature articles and 85 news reports. It all ended when she injured her ankle in a bad accident. Since she could no longer work, she had to stay home and become a housewife.
She found this change in lifestyle to be restrictive and uncomfortable. She tried to cheer herself up by reading more. John, ever supportive, always went to the library to borrow books for his wife, even though he worked very hard.
One day when Margaret begged John to get her another library book, he surprisingly refused. This was not because he was suddenly becoming inconsiderate; it was because he thought that by reading all of these books, his wife was ignoring her gifts. So he said to his wife, “Instead of reading other people’s books, why don’t you just write a book yourself?” Marguerite was stunned and touched.
She thought about writing down the stories her grandmother told, of recording the memories of her childhood and girlhood. A wave of inspiration seemed to flood through her mind…
She sat in front of the typewriter that John bought her and tried to organize the thoughts in her mind into coherent sentences. Since it was her first time writing a novel, she simply wrote down whichever plots came into her mind, without trying to force them into any sort of order. The fact that her book was set during the timeline of the Civil War only made things more difficult. For example, the first chapter she wrote was actually used in the last chapter of the book.
Each time she finished a section of her book, her husband would read it and offer support and suggestions. John’s opinions are always encouraging and professional, which enabled her to keep on writing throughout the eight years it took to finish the book. In brief, John was not only her reader and her teacher but also her secretary and her editor.
John had become an advertising manager by then, so his work was hectic. However, after finishing his work every day, he still insisted on helping his wife organize her manuscript.
Once, when a friend asked him if he was tired, he said: “I am willing to give up everything to support my wife’s talent.”
As the novel’s manuscript thickened page by page, the relationship between husband and wife grew stronger.
The novel may never be published, but so what? They have already gained a lot of happiness by participating in this process.
In 1935, a far-sighted publisher actually came and knocked on the door of the “garbage dump.” He had heard that a former reporter was writing a book about the Civil War, so he wanted to visit her personally. There was a big demand for well-written books and articles about the Civil War at that time, and he thought that he might make a lot of money if he could persuade her to allow him to publish her work.
For her part, Margaret couldn’t believe her luck. This was only her first novel, and yet it had still attracted the attention of a publisher, to the point where he had come to meet with her directly! With John’s encouragement, she nervously handed her manuscript over to the publisher.
As the publisher read, his hands began to tremble. He realized it was going to be a great bestseller! The contract for publication was signed there on the spot.
The couple were so excited that they worked overtime on their editing and proofreading. They managed to complete the manuscript and send it to the publishing house two years after the contract had been signed.
Sure enough, “Gone with the Wind” became popular as soon as it was published. People were shocked by the novel’s plot and moved by the heroine’s stubbornness and courage. Margaret became famous overnight, and thousands of fans sent her letters.
In 1937, Margaret won the Pulitzer Prize and the American Publishers Association Award for her work.
“Gone with the Wind,” was made into a movie, which was first aired in 1939. It was a sensation and won nearly ten Oscars. This widespread success transformed Margaret’s quiet life, as she was frequently called upon to appear in various media. John always stood behind her during these presentations to give her silent companionship and encouragement. It was as if Margaret had found her true self through this love of writing, like a phoenix who fluttered its wings and soared into the sky… She may have only written one novel, but that book is known as “the greatest American work.” Many authors have been so inspired by it that they have written sequels in admiration.
However, Margaret’s life never got an additional sequel. On the night of August 11, 1949, she and John were walking home after watching a movie, and a speeding car ran into her. Warm blood poured from her wound. Gradually, she couldn’t hear her lover’s call, and her soul was like the book’s title: Gone with the Wind…
After spending a few days in a coma, her life slipped away. She didn’t even have the opportunity to say “I love you” to John one last time.
John was utterly heartbroken. He and Margaret had no kids together, so in a sense her work was their only child. John guarded this “child” until he, too, returned to dust…
她49歲因車禍離世,一生僅留一部作品, 卻成為傳世經典——
《飄 – Gone with the Wind 》的作者瑪格麗特·米切爾傳奇戀情
《飄》被譽為美國最偉大的小說。該書作者瑪格麗特·米切爾, 一生只寫了一部作品,就是這本經典的《飄》。
她在荳蔻年華里,與一位年輕的少尉相愛。可戰爭奪去了他的生命, 童話般的戀情,化為心底的傷口。
後來她披上婚紗,嫁給了母親朋友的兒子。然而,他卻是個酒鬼, 風流成性,對她打罵凌辱
, 而是婚禮上的伴郎約翰。
約翰不僅給她生活上的體貼,更能夠欣賞、尊重她的才華, 讓她的靈魂也開始有所歸依。
, 文筆也讓讀者和同行稱讚。
不久以後,她就成了報社的大牌記者。總編也對她讚賞有加, 甚至讓人將桌腿鋸短,來適應瑪格麗特的身高。
在充實、快樂的工作中,瑪格麗特終於再次恢復活力, 而她的第三段愛情也燃燒起來了。
1925年,25歲的瑪格麗特,嫁給了30歲的約翰。婚後, 他們搬到了亞特蘭大一所三層小樓裡
和她從小長大的莊園相比,這所小樓甚至有點簡陋, 瑪格麗特給小樓起了個別名——垃圾堆。
然而,“垃圾堆”裡的生活,卻是溫暖而甜蜜的。夫妻倆在工作之餘 ,一起看書,一起寫作,一起暢談理想,“垃圾堆” 裡充滿了歡聲笑語。
約翰給了嬌妻極大的包容,甚至允許她不隨夫姓—— 這在當時的美國,可謂“離經叛道”。
瑪格麗特當了4年的記者,發表了129篇專題文章、 85篇新聞報導。她十分熱愛這份工作。
然而,因為一次意外,她的腳踝受傷,留下了後遺症, 無法再去採訪,便只好回家當主婦。習慣了東奔西跑的瑪格麗特,突然像被關在籠中的小鳥
, 心裡真是難受極了。瑪格麗特·米切爾她只能一本接一本地看書,讓靈魂在書海中徜徉。約翰便不辭辛苦, 一趟一趟地去圖書館為妻子借書。
不是因為他厭煩了跑圖書館,而是因為他看穿了妻子的心, 看到了她無處安放的才華。
於是,他對妻子說:“與其一本接一本地看別人的書, 你為什麼不自己寫一本書呢?”
她想起了外婆講的那些故事,童年、少女時代的回憶, 潮水一般湧來……
她坐在約翰給她買的打字機前,文字便在她腦海中吵嚷著、擁擠著, 她顫抖著敲下了第一行字……
因為是第一次寫長篇小說,背景又是宏大的南北戰爭, 她寫起來毫無頭緒想到什麼情節就寫什麼情節。
據說, 她最開始寫的那章文字,其實用在了書的最後一章。
每當寫完一部分,丈夫就成了她的第一讀者。而約翰給出的意見, 總是既帶著鼓勵,又有專業建議,這讓她居然堅持寫了下去, 一寫就是8年……
而在這8年間,約翰不僅是她的讀者、他的老師, 還充當了她的秘書、她的編輯。
那時,約翰已成為廣告經理人,工作十分繁忙。然而, 每天忙完自己的工作,他仍堅持幫妻子整理書稿。
有朋友問他累不累時,他說:“我願放棄一切,去擁抱妻子的天賦。 ”
他偶然聽說,有位家庭主婦在寫文章,並且是南北戰爭題材的, 便想親自登門拜訪。
瑪格麗特簡直不敢相信,自己第一次寫長篇小說, 就能引起出版商的注意。在約翰的鼓勵下, 她顫抖著將稿樣交給出版商。
夫婦倆激動不已,他們加班加點編輯、校對,終於在第二年, 將完整的書稿,交給了出版社。
果然,《飄》剛一出版,便迅速風靡。人們被小說的情節所震撼, 被女主角的倔強與勇氣而感動,信件像雪片般湧來……彷彿在一夜之間,瑪格麗特成了一名巨星!
1939年根據《飄》改編的電影《亂世佳人》上映, 轟動效應,獲得近十項奧斯卡獎。
瑪格麗特也從一位家庭主婦,搖身成為備受矚目的大作家, 頻頻出現在各類媒體上。而約翰則永遠站在後面, 給予她默默的陪伴和鼓勵。
就這樣,瑪格麗特在第三段愛情中,尋找到了真正的自我, 彷彿是鳳凰振翅,翱翔天宇……
這,不是童話般的愛情給予的,不是煉獄般的婚姻磨練的, 而是真實可觸的塵世的幸福呵護而成的。
瑪格麗特一生只寫了這一部小說,被稱為“美國最偉大作品” 的小說。
幾十年來,《飄》成為文學經典,許多作家為它撰寫續集, 希望它永遠不會完結。
1949年8月11日晚上,她與約翰看完電影散步回家, 一輛疾馳而來的汽車
,將她撞飛。她重重地摔在地上,溫熱的血從傷口湧出。漸漸地, 她聽不見愛人的呼喚了,她的靈魂就像那本書名:Gone with the wind……
Gone With The Wind【 亂世佳人 】1939年經典名片