The image is from
Four university students were unwise enough to play cards until dawn the day before an exam. As they were now unprepared to take the test, they came up with a solution.
They used grease and dirt to make themselves look dirty, and then they went up to the professor and said they went out for a wedding last night. When it was time for them to go home, they discovered that their car had a flat tire, so they had to push the car all the way home. It was for this reason that they couldn’t take the exam.
The professor said they could make it up in three days.
The four students thanked the professor and said they would be fully prepared for the exam by then.
After three days of hard studying, they met with the professor to take their exam.
The professor said, “Because this is a special make-up test, the four of you will sit in different classrooms to take the exam.”
They all agreed with this rule because they had studied hard day and night for the past three days and believed that they were ready.
To their great surprise, there were only two short answers on the test:
1. Which tire blew out? (50 points)
a) Front left:
b) Right front:
c) Back left:
d) Back right:
2. Where were the four of you sitting in the car? (50 points)
a) Front left:
b) Right front:
c) Back left:
d) Back right:
(This is a true story that happened at a certain college in 1992. All four students failed the course.)
The moral of the story is to never underestimate your teacher.
The original text is in Chinese and the author is unknown.
考試只有 二道簡答題,總分為 100 分
一、哪個輪胎爆了? (50 分)
a) 左前:
b) 右前:
c) 左後:
d) 右後:
二、你們四個人各自坐在車裡的哪個位置? (50 分)
a) 左前:
b) 右前:
c) 左後:
d) 右後: