Tao Te Ching – Lao Tzu – Chapter 12


The five colors blind the eyes of man;
The five tones deafen the ears of man;
The five flavors dull the taste of man;
Horse-racing, hunting and chasing madden the minds of man;
Rare, valuable goods keep their owners awake at night.

Therefore the Sage:
Provides for the belly and not the eye.
Hence, he rejects the one and accepts the other.
(Translated by Yu Tang Lin)

Five Colors: green, red, yellow, white, black.
Five Tones: 宫 Gong(Do) 商 Shang(Re) 角 jiao(Mi) 徵 Zhi(Sol) 羽 Yu(La), similar to the Western notes (do), (re), (mi), (so), (la), 1 2 3 5 6.

 Image result for 五聲音階相片

The image is from樂理-b

Five Flavors: sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty.

Image result for image of Five Flavors: sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty.
Horse-racing, hunting and chasing madden the minds of man;
Image result for image of hunting
Rare, valuable goods keep their owners awake at night.
China Porcelain — Canton vase. Qing dynasty. H:t 62,5 cm, 19th Century (2256×3664)161: Chinese Qing dynasty cloisonne moon flask vase, : Lot 161
Images are from https://www.pinterest.com/pin/391672498813823083

Lao Tzu points out that our sensual desires or pursuing of material which is external often brings disastrous consequences to us. Again, he reminds us to rid ourselves of outside pleasure and gain peace within. Just like the saint who only meets the basic survival needs of the belly, rather than chasing the extra desires. In other words, the saint chooses to be simple and quiet, and not to be extravagant.

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