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The Happy Medium

My heart and my prayers go out to the victims of the Taiwan earthquake. I wish that Heaven will protect the victims so that they may survive this ordeal and begin Chinese New Year anew.               2016 is the year of the Monkey! The monkey is the …


Bird of paradise

My cousin rented a market stall for 2,000 yuan a month, and he invited my mother and me to taste the food. Eight tables occupy less than 10 square meters of space, and every inch of space is occupied. Mother looked around and said to the cousin: “There is a man selling drinks behind you, …

  Watching this inspiring video, I am reminded of Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 in the Bible It says- There is a season for everything, a time for every occupation under heaven: 2 A time for giving birth, a time for dying; a time for planting, a time for uprooting what has been planted. 3 A time …

含德之厚,比於赤子。 蜂蠆虺蛇不螫,猛獸不據,攫鳥不搏。 骨弱筋柔而握固。 未知牝牡之合而全作,精之至也。 終日號而不嗄,和之至也。 知和曰常,知常曰明,益生曰祥。 心使氣曰強。物壯則老,謂之不道,不道早已。 He who contains virtue(Te) in abundance resembles a newborn child. Wasps and serpents don’t sting him, and beasts don’t claw at him, and birds of prey don’t attack them. His bones are tender, and his tendons are soft, and yet his grip is firm. He hasn’t known the …

Han Hong wrote “Daybrak ” to commemorate the parental sacrificial love for the child. The parents died in the cable car crush.

I was so excited to book a commercial for the first time in a while. The night before one, I usually try to go to bed early to be able to wake up early and to be at the site at least an hour early. This time, someone called me to talk, and by the …

This joke is from my friend’s email. HE GAVE HER THE BIGGEST KISS IN 40 YEARS! John and Esther are flying to Australia for a 2-week vacation to celebrate their 50th vacation Suddenly, over the public address system, the Captain announces, “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m afraid I have very bad news… Our engines have ceased …

If you would like to have background music while you are reading, please click on the arrow below.                 Sunset at Maui (Picture was taken on June 13, 7:10 pm.) Where are you: Here. What time is it: Now. Who are you: This moment. I recently attended a seminar by a local psychiatrist. Using testimonials …

天長地久。天地所以能長且久者,以其不自生,故能長生。 是以聖人後其身而身先;外其身而身存。非以其無私耶?故能成其私。   The Tao is infinite, eternal. Why is it eternal? It was never born; thus it can never die. Why is it infinite? It has no desires for itself; thus it is present for all beings. The Master stays behind; that is why she is ahead. She is detached from all things; that …

Atina Üniversitesi’nin araştırmasına göre, zeytin zengini bir rejim yapmak kalpteki kan akışını güçlendirerek cinsel iktidarsızlığı da azaltıyor. Bazen menopozla birlikte gelen sinirlilik veya ruh hali değişimleri dahil olmak üzere duygusal değişimler de düşük libidoya katkıda bulunabilir. Getir’in yıllık cirosunun 100 milyon TL’yi aştığı açıklandı. Bu ilaç ismiyle dahi o kadar psikolojik etkilere sahip ki daha …


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